Today, all internet users must have at least one e-mail address. It has even become mandatory to receive multiple email addresses. Because creating more than one facebook account; separate email for work creating separate email addresses for personal work are many reasons that push users to do so. There's nothing more natural than people who like to play games on Facebook wanting to get a separate account. Although Facebook Facebook does not allow this process, Facebook games make it mandatory. Game lovers resort to this path because of games that require more friends to play constantly. In this article, we will tell you how to reach the most used e-mail addresses and how to get a second e-mail from them.
Hotmail, MSN, Gmail, Yahoo etc. many email providers did not allow more than one email address in the early years. So much so that Gmail was accepting members by invitation only. Currently, these providers do not oppose multiple e-mail purchases, especially those that do not want to reduce server and disk costs and Miss customers. You can get a second email account very easily. You can even open a second Facebook account with this email address. Only on Facebook you should be careful, because Facebook does not allow this process and deletes the accounts it has captured. Therefore, it is useful to register your second Facebook account in a similar way to real names when you receive it. If you want to get a second account on Facebook, you can find out how to do this by clicking on the button below in our article prepared for you.